Retreat: The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier – January 12th, 2019

The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the Blessed Trinity, and the one most active in the world today. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit created the world (Genesis 1:2), led Jesus into the desert (Matthew 4:1), comes to us at Confirmation (Acts 8:18), and intercedes for us in sighs that we cannot understand (Romans 8:26). The Church teaches us that The Holy Spirit is a person, like Jesus, and like God the Father. The Holy Spirit is not some kind of generic force, like lightning or love. The Holy Spirit IS A PERSON.

Please bring your own lunch!

SCHEDULE FOR THIS RETREAT—Saturday, January 12th:

10:30 to 11:30…..Talk by Fr Mario: The Holy Spirit—My Strength and Help in Our Fight Against Sin.
11:30 to 12 pm….Break.
12 pm to 12:30….Fr. Ivan: Silent prayer before the Blessed
12:30 to 1:30 ……Lunch.
1:30 to 2:30……..Talk by Fr. Mario: The Holy Spirit Wants to
Speak to Us, Through God’s Word.
2:30 to 3:00….….Questions.
3 pm…….………..Divine Mercy Chaplet.
3:30………………Confessions and quiet time with Jesus.
4 pm…….………..Fr. Ivan: Holy Mass.

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